Thursday, 7 December 2017

Term 4 Week 8 Sunflowers, Leeks and peas!

This week we harvested our leeks! Here is our lovely big bundle. Miss Raven washed them and trimmed them and cut off their roots. Then some children took them home.

We were also excited to be able to take our sunflower seedlings home to plant in our own gardens. Hopefully they will grow and flower beautifully in everyone's gardens over the holidays.

Finally we planted our pea seedlings... Here is Liam with them next to our stake tee pee.

Next week is the last week for our Enviro kids club. We are very excited because we are going to harvest our garlic since we won't be at school on the longest day of the year when garlic is traditionally harvested. 

We are also going to see how many potatoes we have managed to grow... 

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